The Ultimate Sibling Dress Wear

When I think of sibling dress wear, I think of attire for church, weddings, formals, recitals – things of that nature.  

It can be super frustrating to find the perfect dress wear outfit for your babes, especially those that match.  I love a good blazer jacket paired with shorts or pants.

Growing up, my mother would always dress my sister and I in the fanciest dresses for church and it was so much plan dressing up.  It was the highlight of my week.  Who doesn’t like playing dress up, anyway?

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Sibling dress wear is so much fun to find.  It’s challenging to find the perfect matches for your babes for dressing up, but that’s what makes it even more fun!

I am loving all things seersucker right now.  You can dress it up with a blazer and pants or dress down with just seersucker shorts and a polo shirt.  

I bought my boy twin a pink seersucker button up for Easter this year and it was the absolute cutest thing.  We paired it with white shorts and it was pretty dressy.  We got so many compliments.

As ‘The Wiggles’ say, “Dressing up is so much fun.  You can dress up as anyone.”  Can you tell I’m a toddler Mom?  My twins’ current infatuation is ‘The Wiggles’.  I’m not complaining because when they get out of control, that show is the only thing that will calm them down.  So if listening to “fruit salad, yummy yummy” on repeat is what they need, then by golly, that’s what they’ll get.  

Comment below and let me know what your favorite occasion to dress your kids up is!


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