How to Grocery Shop with Twins

One of the biggest fears I had after I delivered my twins was taking them out in the world by myself. I knew it would be hard with one, but TWO?! I thought to myself, “how in the world am I going to grocery shop with twins”?

Luckily, I’m not the first person to have twins. So those that have come before me knew the struggles and came up with solutions!

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Why Go Grocery Shopping with Twins?

I know, I know. You’re probably thinking, “why would you even go grocery shopping with twins?” Sometimes, you gotta do what you gotta do. I typically try to go when my husband is home so he can watch the twinadoes, I mean twins, but that doesn’t always work out.

A lot of times, if I’m out and about and need a few things (not full out grocery shopping), I’ll stop somewhere and take them inside and then I’m reminded why I try to refrain from taking them.

For all of you Moms (or Dads) out there that have no choice than to grocery shop with twins, this article is for you!

The Best Stores that Cater to Grocery Shopping with Twins

I found out rather quickly that there were certain stores that actually catered to parents of multiples going grocery shopping. Not all stores have double shopping carts and as a twin Mom, we’re always looking for the most efficient way to get in and get out the quickest.


I love shopping at Target (who doesn’t) and I love them even more because they have double shopping carts.

Target probably has the smoothest riding shopping carts I’ve ever experienced. I swear, they have an on-hand mechanic that works on them immediately as something goes wrong because I have never had a wobbly wheel there.

how to grocery shop with twins, boy and girl sitting in shopping cart

So if you want a place to put your twins and a smooth ride, Target’s your place!


Publix is one of my favorite grocery stores to shop at. They have the cutest double shopping cart with race car steering wheels. My twins love when we go to Publix because they get to pretend they’re driving the cart.

If I need to pick up a couple of items, I definitely try to find a Publix first. You just can’t beat the double shopping carts with the steering wheels. It definitely keeps the babes occupied.

Wal Mart

I have a love/hate relationship with Wal Mart. I love their prices, but I hate how busy they always are. It’s definitely a hassle getting in and out of that place quick. However, they also cater to Moms with multiples.

They have forward facing double shopping carts that work exactly as they’re intended to. It makes for an easy shopping experience.

No matter which store you go to that has a double shopping cart, don’t forget your twin shopping cart cover! You can never be too careful during a pandemic, especially when the first place your babies hands go are to their mouths. You can find an awesome twin shopping cart cover here!

Alternatives to the Double Shopping Cart

If you don’t have the luxury of being near a grocery store with double shopping carts, then there are a few things you can do instead.

Baby Wearing

I only got to baby wear once and it was at home. My twins were born right before the pandemic hit so we didn’t go out much because I was terrified, as I’m sure everyone else was.

Unfortunately, I didn’t have a baby carrier. I had a wrap. And it worked well for around the house. If I had to go back and do it again, I would buy the TwinGo Baby Carrier. It is a double baby carrier that holds one baby in the front and one in the back.

how to grocery shop with twins, woman wearing a double baby carrier

Baby wearing is a great option for those stores that only have the single shopping carts. You can wear a baby and put the other in the cart.

Double Stroller

Another option is to take your double stroller in the store and use it instead of an actual shopping cart. I’ve done this many a time when I only needed a few things.

I’ve also seen some superhuman Moms have both kids in the double stroller pushing it while pulling the shopping cart. This is an option if you have no choice and have a major grocery haul.

My favorite double stroller is the Zoe XL2. It’s a double stroller and still has plenty of room for a few groceries.

You might also like: Twin Mom Must Haves

Buggy Bench

The Buggy Bench is another great option. It’s literally a bench that goes in the large part of the shopping cart. You can strap a child into this while the other one sits in the normal seat.

It doesn’t leave a ton of room for groceries, but you make do with what you have!

how to grocery shop with twins, two kids sitting in a shopping cart

Hopefully this article answered your question of ‘how to grocery shop with twins’. If it didn’t and you have other questions, or even know of other ways to survive the grocery store with twins, drop a comment below!


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